About the Journal

The Israel Journal of Entomology is an international Open Access peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes articles in all areas of entomology, including non-marine Crustacea and Chelicerata. Taxonomic papers dealing with non-marine arthropoda faunas in the Eastern Hemisphere are accepted, whereas applied research manuscripts may be considered depending on their relevance to the Middle East region. The Israel Journal of Entomology is published primarily electronically and accepts original research articles, as well as review papers and smaller contributions. The printed version of the journal is produced annually at the end of each year and comprises articles that have appeared during that particular year.

Chief Editor: Dr Mike Mostovski, Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Israel & University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

ISSN (print) 0075-1243
ISSN (online) 2224-6304

The Israel Journal of Entomology is indexed in BIOSIS Previews, CAB International, EBSCO, ROAD, Scopus & Zoological Record.


Current Issue

Vol. 54 (2025)
					View Vol. 54 (2025)
Published: 2025-01-20
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