The Caterpillar Hunter Beetles Calosoma Weber (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the southern Levant


  • Thorsten Assmann Institute of Ecology, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Universitätsallee 1, Lüneburg, D-21335, Germany. E-mail:
  • Estève Boutaud Institute of Ecology, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Universitätsallee 1, Lüneburg, D-21335, Germany
  • Jörn Buse Ecosystem Monitoring, Research and Wildlife Conservation (SB 23 Invertebrates and Biodiversity), Black Forest National Park, Kniebisstraße 67, Freudenstadt, D-72250, Germany
  • Claudia Drees School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QG, United Kingdom
  • Ariel-Leib-Leonid Friedman The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, 12 Klausner Str., POB 39040, Tel Aviv 6139001, Israel. E-mail:
  • Andreas Hetzel Stiftung Universität Hildesheim, Institut für Philosophie, Universitätsplatz 1, Hildesheim, D-31141, Germany
  • Eylon Orbach Remez Street 49, Qiryat Tiv’on, IL-36044, Israel
  • Ittai Renan The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, 12 Klausner Str., POB 39040, Tel Aviv 6139001, Israel
  • Christoph Reuter Nordkapstraße 1, Berlin, 10439, Germany
  • David W. Wrase Oderstraße 2, Gusow-Platkow, D-15306, Germany


Biodiversity, Coleoptera, Carabidae, beetles, ground beetles, identification key, species traits, taxonomy, Levant, Mediterranean, Middle East, Palaearctic, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, climate change, poleward shift


Eight species of the ground beetle genus Calosoma are reported from the southern Levant (Egypt (Sinai), Israel, Jordan) and adjacent areas in Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. The reports of one species were probably due to mislabelling. An illustrated identification key for the species in the region is provided. The current state of knowledge on ecological traits (e.g. dispersal power, phenology and prey) and distribution range, especially in the southern Levant, of the treated Calosoma species is summarized. Additional information about taxonomy and identification of the species is also provided.

We dedicate this work to Vladimir Chikatunov, a curator of the Coleoptera Collection of the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University, Israel, on the occasion of his 80th birthday. He supported us in many different ways in our work with carabids from Israel and neighbouring countries. Some of us particularly remember the excellent excursions he led to the Negev and the Golan Heights.


Cite as: Assmann, Th., Boutaud, E., Buse, J., Drees, C., Friedman, Ar.-L.-L., Hetzel, A., Orbach, E., Renan, I., Reuter, Ch. & Wrase, D.W. 2020. The Caterpillar Hunter Beetles Calosoma Weber (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the southern Levant. Israel Journal of Entomology 50 (2): 133–158.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4535847




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